Check In

Checking In With Amanda Sun


Young Leaders Award recipient Amanda Sun studies computer science and environmental studies at Dartmouth College. She is the founder and executive director of Green2Go, advisor of Environmental Students of Dartmouth, and a Youth Leadership Councilor on EarthEcho International. Previously, Amanda researched climate futurisms and interned as a stagiaire at École Internationale de Boulangerie, an organic baking school in Aix-en-Provence. Her work can be found on COP26 Youtube, NYC Climate Week, UN Biodiversity Conference, Global Alliance of Universities on Climate Summit, and Good Morning America.

Amanda's Project: Green2Go

Green2Go is a youth-led, intergenerational movement enabling students at 30+ chapters to implement reusable takeout programs and advocate for zero waste, with the goal to eliminate over 10 million single-use plastics by the end of 2023.

We recently checked in with Amanda to learn more about her background and her plans for the conservation and regeneration of the planet.

Walking Softer: What brought you to your work in climate and environmental justice?

Amanda: Whether it's hotpot or pizza, each meal is a testament to the Earth and my community's ability to nourish me. Food literally brings my body to climate work, and it also serves as a reminder of what my work is giving back to.

Walking Softer: what do you do for self-care and fun?

Amanda: This spring term, my friends and I are doing a daily dip: running to the Kwenitegok / Connecticut River and submerging ourselves every day. We also did this in the winter but I'm glad the river ice has melted.

Walking Softer: Who or what inspires you?

Amanda: My mother's lotus root stir fry, Rihanna's Super Bowl performance, and the fact that axolotls can turn into salamanders.

Walking Softer: Any people or organizations that you would like to thank?

Amanda: Thank you EarthEcho International, Green2Go, Environmental Students of Dartmouth, Lucas Hollister, Willow Nilsen, Richard Howarth, Sean Russel for shaping me into the activist I am today!

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